24th International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems
Brest, France, 19-21th October 2016
RTNS is a friendly conference with a great sense of community that presents excellent opportunities for collaboration.
The purpose of the conference is to share ideas, experiences and information among academic researchers, developers and service providers in the field of real-time systems and networks.
RTNS 2016 will be in Brest, France.
RTNS 2016 is the 24th edition of the conference formerly known as RTS (Real-Time Systems, Paris). The first 12 editions of RTS were french-speaking events held in Paris in conjunction with the RTS Embedded System exhibition. Since its 13th edition, the conference language of RTNS has been english.

- Keynote talk by Sebastian Fischmeister, University of Waterloo, Canada
- Special focus will be given to the topic of "Applying Formal Methods to Real-Time Systems Theory and Design".
- A selection of the best papers will be identified as outstanding papers; the authors of these papers will be invited to submit extended versions to a special issue of the Springer Real-Time Systems journal.
- Prizes will be awarded for best paper, best student paper, and best presentation.
- 30th November 2015: Site is open
- 22 April 2016: Final CFP link available. Submission deadline added
- 10 June 2016: Conference fees added (see the Registration pane)
- 12 Sept 2016: Bank transfer informations fixed, the BIC code was bad, it is "TRPUFRP1" instead of "TRPUFRPI" ...
Conference Program
19th October
8:00 |
Registration |
9:00 |
Opening Remarks |
9:30 - 10:30
Keynote (Chair: Sébastien Faucou)
10:30 - 11:00 |
Coffee break |
11:00 - 12:30
Session 1 - Network Analysis
(Chair: Sophie Quinton)
A Formal Approach for Flexible Modeling
and Analysis of Transaction Timeliness and Isolation |
12:30 - 14:00 |
Lunch |
14:00 - 15:30
Session 2 - Network Analysis (Chair:Jean-Luc Scharbarg)
Traversal time for weakly synchronized CAN bus
15:30 - 16:00 |
Coffee break |
16:00 - 17:30
Session 3 - Synchronous Dataflow Graphs (Chair: Mathieu Jan)
Response Time Analysis of Synchronous Data Flow
Programs on a Many-Core Processor |
17:30 - 18:30
Junior Workshop
Model-Driven Development
of Real-Time Applications based on MARTOP and
XML Andreas Stahlhofen
and Dieter Zöbel On Scheduling Sporadic
Non-Preemptive Tasks with Arbitrary Deadline using Non-Work Conserving Scheduling Homa Izadi and
Mitra Nasri Towards schedulability analysis
of real-time systems with
precedence constraints
and different periods Slim Ben-Amor, Liliana
Cucu-Grosjean and Dorin Maxim Tester Partitioning and Synchronization Algorithm For Testing Real-Time Distributed Systems Deepak Pal and Juri Vain Quantifying the Flexibility of Real-Time Systems Rafik Henia, Alain Girault, Christophe Prévot, Sophie Quinton and Laurent Rioux Framework to Generate and Validate Embedded Decision Trees with Missing
Data Arwa Khannoussi, Catherine Dezan and Patrick Meyer Model Checking of Cache for WCET Analysis Refinement Valentin Touzeau,
Claire Maïza and David Monniaux |
18:30 |
Cocktail and posters |
Thursday 20th
8:00 - 10:00
Session 4 - Scheduling and Schedulability (Chair: Rob Davis)
Schedulability analysis of dependent probabilistic real-time tasks |
10:00 - 10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:30 - 12:30
Session 5 - Periodic Systems and Control (Chair: Enrico Bini)
Intrusion-Damage Assessment and Mitigation in
Cyber-Physical Systems for Control Applications
12:30 - 14:00 |
Lunch |
14:00 - 15:30
Session 6 - Network Optimization
(Chair: Ye-Qiong Song)
Scheduling Real-Time Communication in IEEE 802.1Qbv
Time Sensitive Networks |
15:30 - 16:00 |
Coffee Break |
16:00 - 17:30
Session 7 - Manycore and NoC (Chair: Christian Fraboul)
Supporting Suspension-based Locking Mechanisms for
Real-Time Networks-on-Chip |
17:45 |
Social Event Departure |
18:15 - 23:00 |
Social Event and Banquet |
Friday 21th
8:00 - 10:00
Session 8 - Multicore Scheduling (Chair: Mitra Nasri)
Scheduling Constrained-Deadline Parallel Tasks on
Two-type Heterogeneous Multiprocessors |
10:00 - 10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:30 - 12:30
Session 9 - Timing Analysis
(Chair: Dorin Maxim)
Time for Reactive System Modeling:
Interactive Timing Analysis with Hotspot Highlighting |
12:30 - 14:00 |
Lunch |
14:00 - 15:30
Session 10 - Parallelism (Chair:
Luis Miguel Pinho)
Quantifying Energy Consumption for Practical
Fork-Join Parallelism on an Embedded Real-Time Operating System |
15:30 - 15:45
Conference aims and topics
PDF version of the Call for PapersText version of the Call for Papers
RTNS is a friendly conference with a great sense of community that presents excellent opportunities for collaboration. The purpose of RTNS is to share new ideas, experiences and information among academic researchers, developers and service providers in the field of real-time systems and networks. Original unpublished papers on all aspects of real-time systems are welcome. These include, but are not limited to:
- Real-time system design and analysis: task and message scheduling, modelling, verification, evaluation, model-driven development, timing analysis, worst-case execution time estimation, distributed systems, fault tolerance, quality of service, security;
- Infrastructure and hardware for real-time systems: wired and wireless communication networks, fieldbuses, networked control systems, control/computing co-design, sensor networks, power-aware techniques;
- Infrastructure and hardware for real-time systems: wired and wireless communication networks, fieldbuses, networked control systems, control/computing co-design, sensor networks, power-aware techniques;
- Software technologies for real-time systems: compilers, programming languages, middleware and component-based technologies, operating systems, databases;
- Applications: automotive, avionics, space, railways, telecommunications, process control, multimedia.
Instructions to authors
The papers are limited to 10 two-column pages in a font no smaller than 9 points. Submission format is PDF.
The LaTeX formatting instructions as well as the Word template can be found here.
Authors submitting a paper to RTNS 2016 confirm that neither the paper, nor a version of it, is under submission elsewhere nor will be submitted elsewhere before notification by RTNS 2016, and that if the paper is accepted, at least one author will register by the special registration deadline, and present the paper at the conference.
The link to the Easychair submission page is here
RTNS 2016 results
The papers which have passed the evaluation are:Time for Reactive System Modeling: Interactive Timing Analysis with Hotspot Highlighting
Insa Fuhrmann, David Broman, Reinhard Von Hanxleden and Alexander Schulz-Rosengarten
Response Time Analysis of Synchronous Data Flow Programs on a Many-Core Processor
Hamza Rihani, Matthieu Moy, Claire Maiza, Robert I. Davis and Sebastian Altmeyer
Analysis of Write-back Caches under Fixed-priority Preemptive and Non-preemptive Scheduling
Robert I. Davis, Sebastian Altmeyer and Jan Reineke
Traversal time for weakly synchronized CAN bus
Hugo Daigmorte and Marc Boyer
On Fixed-Priority Schedulability Analysis of Sporadic Tasks with Self-Suspension
Morteza Mohaqeqi, Pontus Ekberg and Wang Yi
Schedulability analysis of dependent probabilistic real-time tasks
Slim Ben-Amor, Dorin Maxim and Liliana Cucu-Grosjean
Artifact submission
For the first time at RTNS, we give this year the opportunity to authors of accepted papers to submit an artifact establishing the reproducibility of the computational results described in their paper.
Artifacts should include:
- A guide/README document providing system
requirements and instructions about how to install and use the artifact,
well as a detailed description of the procedure to (possibly partially)
reproduce the results presented in the paper.
- All
software and data needed for repeating the experiments.
A nice HOWTO for preparing an artifact evaluation package is available online at http://bit.ly/HOWTO-AEC.
Prospective participants to
artifact evaluation are invited to package their artifact and send it via
to sophie.quinton@inria.fr
by 29th
September 2016.
Important dates
- Artifact submission deadline: 29th
September 2016
- Discussion period: 3rd
October – 13th October 2016
- Notification of acceptance: 14th
October 2016
Artifact Evaluation Committee
- Felipe Cerqueira, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, Germany
- Martina Maggio, Lund University, Sweden
- Daniel Mosse, University of Pittsburgh, US
- Saad Mubeen, Mälardalen University, Sweden
- Sophie Quinton (chair), INRIA Grenoble, France
- Guy Martin Tchamgoue, University of Waterloo, Canada
Please contact Sophie
Quinton for any questions,
concerns or comments.
Additional information
Here is a list of useful
related to artifact evaluation in other computer science research
Keynote Talk
Time-aware Instrumentation: From the Formal Model to Applications
Sebastian Fischmeister,
Real-time Embedded Software Group
University of Waterloo, Canada
Code instrumentation is a common method for extracting information and tracing programs. Developers use code instrumentation to understand and monitor modern systems with millions of lines of code. Unfortunately, typical software-based instrumentation methods, while useful to extract high-level information from programs, concentrate on preserving only logical correctness and are thus inadequate for application areas such as real-time embedded systems. Time-aware instrumentation is a new view on code instrumentation, one that considers extra-functional properties and specifically timing constraints. The talk presents work on time-aware instrumentation ranging from the formal model to a scalable implementation able to instrument deployed systems. Of specific interest are the lessons learnt, for instance, how the formal model created a common language, precise problem statements, and allowed predicting effects to be confirmed through the implementation. Furthermore, the talk also outlines unforeseen offshoots of the work leading to new insights, ideas, and applications. The closing statement will provide an outlook on future research challenges given the growing complexity of software-intensive embedded systems, and also raise the topic of reproducibility of research and research artifacts.
Sebastian Fischmeister is an associate professor at the University of Waterloo. He leads the Real-time Embedded Software Group and acts as associate director at WatCAR for Systems and Connectivity. Sebastian Fischmeister has 15 years of research experience in safety-critical real-time embedded systems. Together with his research team, he developed the Atacama open-source implementation for real-time Ethernet, pioneered time-aware instrumentation for time-sensitive systems, and established the theory and practice for sampling-based runtime verification. Sebastian extensively collaborates with industry and built, for instance, the reference demonstrator for the ASTM F2761-09 standard on the integrated clinical environment, the APMA Connected Vehicle Technology Demonstrator (a modified Lexus RX350), and the DIME instrumentation framework. He is currently working on theory and tools for data-driven certification for connected automated vehicles.
All participants must be registered. Please register in advance.
Registration at Early Registration rates will be
possible until 5th October 2016.
AT LEAST ONE AUTHOR (student or full rate) PER FULL PAPER has to be
registered before 5th October 2016.
has to be registered before 5th October 2016.
Please notice that for any registration after the 5th of October, lunchees and social event will be provided according to availability.
Registration form
The registration form is available here in pdf and here in word format Please return the registration form by fax or e-mail to
RTNS 2016 Registration Chair :
Mickael Kerboeuf
UBO, Département informatique
20 avenue Le Gorgeu
CS 93837
29238 BREST Cedex 3, France
phone: +33-2 98 01 83 07
fax: +33 2 98 01 80 11
e-mail: rtns16@listes.univ-brest.fr
Registration fees to the main conference
Early | Late |
Full Rate | 320€ | 460€ |
Student | 180€ | 260€ |
The registration fees includes for all packages:
- Lunches and Breaks from 19-21th October 2016
- Social event and banquet
- Entry to all conference sessions including junior workshop
- Proceedings
- Conference bag, containing the official conference material.
In all packages, travel costs are not included and are the responsibility of each conference participant.
Extra tickets for the social event and dinner can be purchased till 20th September 2016.
Terms of Payment
The method of payment recommended is by bank transfer to the order of Agent Comptable de l'UBO.
Payment must be sent in EUROS (€):
Please indicate “RTNS + <YOUR FAMILY NAME>” as the payment reference. We'll use this proof to identify your payment.
Bank details:
Bank name : TP Brest - Tresorerie Generale
Beneficiary: Agent Comptable de
Account number : 00001002790
RIB key : 91
Bank code: 10071
Agency: 29000
IBAN (International bank account number): FR76 1007 1290 0000 0010 0279 091
A copy of the bank transfer should be sent by email to: rtns16@listes.univ-brest.fr. Do NOT forget to give the name of the person you are paying for, on the bank transfer order. Bank transfer charges had to be paid by the registrant. Registration without appropriate payment will not be honored until full payment received. The registration will only be accepted upon receipt of payment proof. In the absence of the document, the registration will be considered cancelled.
Cancellation policy for individual registration & reservations
All cancellations must be notified in writing (by mail or e-mail) to the Registration Management rtns16@listes.univ-brest.fr according to the following conditions and reimbursement (will be processed AFTER the Congress). Up to 5th October 2016: a 10% cancellation fee will be withheld for administrative fee; After 5th October 2016, 2016 no refund.If unable to attend, a colleague may attend in your place. Please send written instructions for this.
Cancellation of the conference
In the event that the conference cannot be held or is postponed due to events beyond the control of the conference organizers (force majeure) or due to events which are not attributable to wrongful intent or gross negligence of the conference organizers, the conference organizers cannot be held liable by delegates for any damages, costs, or losses incurred, such as transportation costs, accommodation costs, costs for additional orders, financial losses, etc.
Under these circumstances, the conference organizers reserve the right to either retain the entire registration fee and to credit it for a future conference, or to reimburse the delegate after deducting costs already incurred for the organization of the conference and which could not be recovered from third parties.
Privacy Legislation
By registering for the conference, relevant details will be incorporated into a participant list for the benefit of all delegates. Normally this information would be: name, surname, institution, country and email address. These details may also be available to parties directly related to the Conference including the venues and accommodation providers. We may use these details to inform current participants of Conference updates or future conferences via email. Participants are responsible for advising us if they do not wish to have their email addresses included in the conference participant list or distribution list for future events.
In accordance with French law "loi Informatique et Libertés", articles 39 and 40, you have the right to access and rectify your data. In practice, proving your identity, you can ask us whether or not we process data about you and in case the answer is yes, which data, for which purpose and how. Besides, French law acknowledges your right to rectify update and suppress these data. For any such request, please contact rtns16@listes.univ-brest.fr.
Important dates
Submission deadline: | 25th July 2016 (Anywhere on Earth / UTC-12 - no extensions: submission site will close automatically) |
Notification to authors: | 8th September 2016 |
Camera ready paper due: | 22nd September 2016 |
Conference: | 19-21th October 2016 |
Conference Committees
General chair- Alain Plantec (Lab-STICC UMR 6285, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest, FRANCE)
- Frank Singhoff (Lab-STICC UMR 6285, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest, FRANCE)
Program chairs
- Sébastien Faucou (Université de Nantes, FRANCE)
- Luis Miguel Pinho (CISTER Research Center, Porto, Portugal)
Local organization committee
Program committee
- Yasmina Abdeddaïm
(Université Paris-Est, FR) - Masud Ahmed
(The Mathworks Inc, US) - Sebastian Altmeyer
(University of Amsterdam, NL) - Jim Anderson
(University of North Carolina, US) - Sanjoy Baruah
(University of North Carolina, US) - Marko Bertogna
(University of Modena, IT) - Enrico Bini
(University of Turin, IT) - Björn Brandenburg
(Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, DE) - Florian Brandner
(Université Paris-Sacaly, FR) - Hugues Cassé
(Université de Toulouse, FR) - Liliana Cucu-Grosjean
(INRIA, FR) - Robert Davis
(University of York, UK) - Jean-Dominique Decotignie
(Swiss Center for Microtechnology, CH) - Nathan Fisher
(Wayne State University, US) - Julien Forget
(Université de Lille , FR) - Adriana Gogonel
(INRIA, FR) - Joël Goossens
(Université Libre de Bruxelles, BE) - Radu Grosu
(Vienna University of Technology, AT) - Damien Hardy
(Université de Rennes, FR) - Jérôme Hugues
(Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'espace, FR) - Mathieu Jan
(Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux énergies alternatives, FR) - Kai Lampka
(Uppsala University, SE) - Benjamin Lesage
(University of York, UK) - Cong Liu
(The University of Texas at Dallas, US) - Claire Maiza
(Grenoble INP, FR) - Pascale Minet
(INRIA, FR) - Vincent Nelis
(CISTER, PT) - Dumitru Potop-Butucaru
(INRIA, FR) - Sophie Quinton
(INRIA, FR) - Jan Reineke
(Universität des Saarlandes, DE) - Pascal Richard
(Université de Poitiers,FR) - Luca Santinelli
(ONERA, FR) - Jean-Luc Scharbarg
(Université de Toulouse, FR) - Ye-Qiong Song
(Université de Lorraine, FR)
Steering committee
- Sanjoy Baruah (The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA)
- Liliana Cucu-Grosjean (INRIA, Paris-Rocquencourt, FRANCE)
- Robert I. Davis (University of York, UK)
- Sébastien Faucou (Université de Nantes, France)
- Laurent George (Université Paris Est Creteil, France)
- Joël Goossens (Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium)
- Isabelle Puaut (IRISA, Université Rennes I, France)
- Pascal Richard (LIAS, Université de Poitiers, France)
- Jean-Luc Scharbarg (Université de Toulouse, France)
Local information
For any information, you can send an e-mail to the local organization committee
Venue and useful informations
The meeting will take place at TA Bouguen, Pôle numérique, Université de Bretagne Occidentale on 19-21th October 2016.
Wi-Fi network with access control on site. Credentials will be
available at the conference.
Lunches and coffee breaks will be served on site. They are included in
the registration fees.
TA Bouguen, Pôle numérique, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, 6 Rue du Bouguen
Click here for the map
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How to reach the location of the conference
Arriving by plane
Brest is linked to the whole of Europe by the Brest-Bretagne international airport. It is less than one hour from Paris (10 flights per day), and only one hour from London. Other direct-flight destinations include Nantes, Lyon, Nice, Marseille, Toulon, Birmingham, Exeter and Southampton.
Airport-campus transportation
The journey by taxi from the airport to the campus takes about 30 minutes.
A shuttle service links Brest Bretagne airport and the tramway station, Porte de Guipavas. The journey takes around 15 minutes. Tickets can be purchased in the bus. The cost is less than 5 euros. Arrived at the Porte de Guipavas station, you have to take another ticket for the tramway. From the Porte de Guipavas station, you can take the tramway and stop at the Brest - Liberté station, close to the tourist office and the railway station.
To come to the university campus by bus takes about 10 minutes. (Notice that you can reuse your tramway ticket). From the city center stationBrest - Liberté, walk to the Brest - Liberté Quartz station, take the bus (line 1, to "Hopital de la cavale Blanche"), get out at the stop ("Bouguen"), cross the avenue, walk left along the avenue for few meters before entering the university building. Then just follow the RTNS logo till the registration desk.
Arriving by train
You can choose to go by rail, there are 8 high-speed trains (TGV) each day from Paris-Montparnasse station. You can buy your ticket on-line at the SNCF-TGV website.
Station-campus transportation
Taxis are available just outside the railway station.
If you prefer to take the bus, take the line 1 one and get out at the stop "Bouguen", cross the avenue, walk left along the avenue for few meters before entering the university building. Then just follow the RTNS logo till the registration desk.
Please, book your room as soon as possible. Because of the Brest Open tennis tournament that will be held at Brest during the same week as RTNS, you may have difficulties to find an hotel near the conference site.
Hotels with blocked rooms until 15th of September with the code "RTNS"
- Agena hotel: www.hotel-brest-agena.com; Phone: 33 (0)2 98 33 96 00; Near the train station.
- Amirauté hotel: www.oceaniahotels.com; Phone: 33 (0)2 98 80 84 00; email: amirautebrest@oceaniahotels.com
Hotels with blocked rooms until 15th of September with the code "ubo"
- Abalys hotel: Phone : 33 (0)2 98 44 21 86; Near the harbour, 10% of discount if the rooms are booked at www.abalys.com and if you use the promotional code "ubo".
Hotels with blocked rooms until 23th of September with the code "RTNS"
- Hôtel Escale Oceania: www.oceaniahotels.com; Phone : 33 (0)2 98 44 38 38; email : resa@oceaniahotels.com
Another good hotel: Hôtel Center Brest, www.hotelcenter.com
For other accomodation downtown, visit brest-metropole-tourisme.fr
Brest enjoys a wonderful location, on the shores of a very large bay, with the beauty of inland and coastal Brittany all around it. The town of Brest was destroyed during the second world war and (quick) rebuilt in a modern style. The city is a centre of commerce, combining the cobbled streets and fortifications of the old port with all the attractions and facilities of the modern city. Anyone who loves ports will want to see the dock yards. Its 17th century castle was spared by the bombs and gives a good point of view of the harbour. The Brest castle now houses a museum and offices of the harbour authorities. The fine arts museum Musee des Beaux-arts is worth finding for it's collection of Pont-Aben school paintings. Brest is famous today for being the home of Oceanopolis - the largest aquarium in Europe. The Oceanpolis is not just an aquarium but a huge research centre and exhibition of sea life and all it's aspects, with huge tanks of fish and sea mammals.
Finistère offers 2,920 miles of waymarked footpaths for wonderful hikes in the very heart of nature. Broaden your knowledge of your favourite areas with the Topo-Guides for hikers. Packed with information, these guides provide you with everything you need to plan your hike.
Places to visit
- Brest castle
- Naval Museum of Brest
- Museum of Fine Arts
- Recouvrance bridge
- Albert Louppe bridge and Iroise bridge
- Brest harbour
- Iroise
Rambles on the coast
- from Trez-Hir beach to Saint Mathieu end
- from Trez-Hir beach to Petit Minou end
- from Blancs Sablons beach to Kermorvan peninsula
- from Abers area to the Sainte Marguerite sand dunes
- in Plougastel, at Tinduff port and at the Armorique end
Selected restaurants
- l'Amirauté
- la maison de l'Océan
- le boeuf sur le quai
- le Saint Ex
- L'Imaginaire
- An Ty Coz
- le Crabe Marteau
For more informations and ideas
- http://www.finisteretourisme.com/home/
- http://www.brittanytourism.com/
- http://www.brittanysleisure.com/
- http://www.brest-metropole-tourisme.fr/home.php?langueCode=uk
- http://www.rives-armorique.fr/gb-default.aspx
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brest,_France
Place to visit: Brest castle
Founded in the 3rd century, Brest castle is a mediaeval fortress, finished in the 17th century. It was an essential protection for the town of Brest and its port. Having recently undergone extensive restoration, the fort gives an excellent impression of the fortified life of old Brest. The six-hectare site has also been restored to its natural condition and offers some great walking paths which lead to the Penfeld River.

http://www.mairie-brest.fr/brest/chateau_brest.htm (french)
Place to visit: Naval Museum of Brest
Situated inside the Brest castle, the Naval Museum is this superb collection of model ships, paintings and sculptures. Originally part of the Naval Museum of Paris, this collection was first established in 1748, making it the oldest naval museum in the world. The exhibition of naval ship models is unrivaled and illustrates the history of Richelieus arsenal and the French fleet at the height of its glory. From the Madeleine tower to the dungeons, the towers and small courtyards, the castle tour affords magnificent views over Brest harbour.

http://www.mairie-brest.fr/brest/musee_marine.htm (french)
http://www.musee-marine.fr/site/fr/histoire_chateau_brest (french)
Place to visit: Museum of Fine Arts
Like Brest itself, this museum and its paintings were destroyed by the bombings during the second world war in 1941. Rebuilt in 1964, this building has become a cornerstone of the new city. The museums collection contains European paintings from the 16th century onwards including many works from the regional Pont-Aven Post Impressionist School. The main attraction is its symbolist exhibition, considered one of the best in Europe.

http://www.mairie-brest.fr/brest/musee_beauxarts.htm (french)
Place to visit: Recouvrance bridge
The Recouvrance bridge across the river Penfeld has been opened on 17th July 1954. It was the largest vertical lift bridge in Europe from its construction until the opening of the Pont Gustave-Flaubert in 2008. It links the bottom of the rue de Siam to the quartier de Recouvrance, replacing a swing bridge (the pont National) destroyed by Allied bombardment in 1944.

http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pont_de_Recouvrance (french)
Place to visit: Albert Louppe bridge and Iroise bridge
The Albert Louppe Bridge, by the name of a General Council Chairman was completed in 1930, partially destroyed in 1944 and rebuilt in 1949. This one kilometer-long bridge, which set a world records with its continuons spans in reinforced concrete, could no longer tope with the heavy road traffic.
Replaced by the Iroise Bridge, located on its side, the Albert Louppe Bridge is now a place for walking, and front where you look down over the Elorn and the Brest harbour.
The Iroise Bridge, a table-stayed bridge with 2 x 2 ways, inaugurated on 12 July 1994, is a technical exploit. The deck is 800 m -2 624, 67 feet- long and there are 400 metres between two pylons. It was the longest span in the world when it was opened.

http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pont_Albert-Louppe (french)
Place to visit: Brest harbour
The Azénor company (localization) offers boat trips with commentary on the harbour of Brest. It is also possible to dine on board.

Other maritimes excursions:
Place to visit: Iroise sea
Come discover the Islands Ouessant and Molène aboard a boat whose bottom is fitted with large windows that allow visitors to discover the fauna and flora of the Iroise Sea.

gare Maritime
29217 Le Conquet
Rambles on the coast: from Trez-Hir beach to Saint Mathieu end

Suggested route
Rambles on the coast: from Trez-Hir beach to Petit Minou end

Suggested route
Rambles on the coast: from Blancs Sablons beach to Kermorvan peninsula

Suggested route
Rambles on the coast: from Abers area to the Sainte Marguerite sand dunes

Suggested route
Rambles on the coast: in Plougastel, at Tinduff port and at the Armorique end

Suggested route
Selected restaurants: l'Amirauté
Selected restaurants: la maison de l'Océan
Selected restaurants: le boeuf sur le quai
Selected restaurants: le Saint Ex
Selected restaurants: L'Imaginaire
restaurants: An Ty Coz
Selected restaurants: le Crabe Marteau
Past Issues
RTNS 2015: Lille (France), PC chairs: Liliana Cucu-Grosjean (INRIA, Paris-Rocquencourt, FRANCE) and Nathan Fisher (Wayne State University, USA)
RTNS 2014: Versailles (France), PC chairs: Joel Goossens (ULB, Brussels, Belgium) and Claire Maiza (INP/Verimag, Grenoble, France)
RTNS 2013: Sophia Antipolis (France), PC chairs: Rob Davis (University of York, UK) and Emmanuel Grolleau (LIAS, Poitiers, France)
RTNS 2012: Pont à Mousson (France), PC chairs: Christine Rochange (University of Toulouse/IRIT, France) and Jim Andersson (University of North Carolina, USA)
RTNS 2011: Nantes (France), PC chairs: Alan Burns (University of York, UK) and Laurent George (Inria/AOSTE - UPEC/LISSI, France)
RTNS 2010: Toulouse (France), PC chairs: Sanjoy Baruah (University of North Carolina, USA) and Yves Sorel (Inria, Rocquencourt, France)
RTNS 2009: Paris (France), PC chairs: Maryline Chetto (IRCCyN, Nantes, France) and Mikael Sjödin (Mälardalen University, Sweden)
RTNS 2008: Rennes (France), PC chairs: Pascale Minet (Inria-Rocquencourt/Hipercom, France) and Giorgio Buttazzo (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy)
RTNS 2007: Nancy (France), PC chair: Isabelle Puaut (University of Rennes/IRISA, France)
RTNS 2006: Poitiers (France), PC chair: Guy Juanole(LAAS, Toulouse, France) and Pascal Richard (LISI, Poitiers, France)
RTS 2005: Paris (France), PC chair: Nicolas Navet (LORIA, Nancy, France)
RTS 2004 : Paris (France),PC chair : Joël Goossens (University of Bruxelles, Belgium)
RTS 2001: Paris (France), PC chair: Zoubir Mammeri (IRIT, UPS Toulouse, France)
RTS 2000: Paris (France), Francis Cottet (LISI, ENSMA, Poitiers)
RTS03, RTS02, RTS, RTS99, RTS98, RTS97, RTS96, RTS95, RTS94, RTS93: no official website
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Université de Bretagne Occidentale
Contact: alain.plantec@nospamuniv-brest.fr (please remove nospam from the address)
Social events
Wednesday Cocktail
The 19th of October, a cocktail will be organized near the conference location. This cocktail will be composed of Breton drinks and foods. It is then a good opportunity to discover Brittany. During this cocktail, you will also enjoy Celtic music from a local group: the rakish band, a Irish group … but Irish and Bretons share a very similar culture.Oceanopolis Dinner
The 20th of October, the traditional RTNS dinner will be organized at «Oceanopolis», one of the largest French aquarium.
18:00 – 18:30
Welcome of the attendees at the Oceanopolis public entrance.
Guided visit (in english) of the two first pavilions, the polar pavilion and the temperate pavilion. The numerous aquariums in the temperate pavilion open windows to the rich Breton flora and fauna: the langoustines' burrow, seals, the rockface with its enormous bass, the Iroise Sea tank with ray, turbot and lobster… The polar pavilion takes you on a journey to discover Europe's largest penguin colony along with a real ice-floe inhabited by seals from the frozen north.18:30 – 20:00
20:00 – 21:00
A drink will be offered in the tropical pavilion. The tropical pavilion shows species from both sides of the Equator, including all waters where the temperature remains above 20°C at all times. Comprising a total of 1700m3 of aquariums, the Tropical Pavilion illustrates the wide diversity of marine organisms, from sharks to live corals, not to mention numerous species of colorful fishes and invertebrates.21:00 – 22:30
Finally, the diner will take place in the Oceanopolis restaurant called «Vent d’ouest».